aboutFemale, Singaporean Chinese. Working class. Loves music and travel.
lovesjohn mayercheer chen jay chou rui en caroline de maigret alexa chung porsche rolex breguet condé nast traveler
friendscelinajasmine joyce marilyn ming kang wei li ya lan
layoutPicture taken at Cheer Chen's A Piece Of Summer Singapore concert (29 September 2007).Firefox or IE, 1024x768 and up.
creditsbloggerphotobucket |
Sunday, September 30, 2007 - 8:52 PM
It's a big W-O-W after rounds of applause and smiles. Yes, Cheer Chen's A Piece Of Summer concert last night in Singapore's Expo has given me lots of joy and gratitude. Haha...I believe the others who were present for her concert would have felt the same too, especially when Cheer Chen, with her music tour group, had given the fullest in performing. And when I mention "fullest", I mean we got to enjoy the same entertainment quality as what the Taiwanese audience always has. Lalala...I am damn super happy to be part of her concert. Actually, I always have wished for it. And it has come alive. Wahaha...
So whose concert will I be attending after this ever-best concert? Hmm...I think it's probably Jay Chou's, which is said to be held in next January. His concert will be a good one too, like Cheer Chen's. Oh man, I can't wait to attend another great music concert.